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Vagrants in the Valley - Two Novels of Adolescence

Vagrants in the Valley - Two Novels of Adolescence
-3 %
Author :  Ruskin Bond  
Language : English  
Binding : Paperback (236 pages) 
Publisher :  Penguin Book Publication
Genre :  Fiction Books
ISBN :  9780140239591, 0140239596
Edition :  1st Edition (2016)
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Summary of the Book

The Room on the Roof-

This book is about sixteen-year-old Rusty. He is an Anglo-Indian boy who decides to run away from the European community in a desperate attempt to escape the diminishing community and his horrible guardian. He is happy to find that life after this is packed with excitement and adventure.

Vagrants in the Valley-

This book picks up from where The Room on the Roof ends. Here, Rusty is joined by Kishen who has also run away from is home. As they go ahead with their adventure, they meet more people. Make more friends, and enjoy many escapades. However, they also start to understand how complex life and growing up can be. They begin to realize the boundaries that surround even the most free of spirits.

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Vagrants in the Valley - Two Novels of Adolescence

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